Mt. Isa

Mt. Isa

Sunday, April 1, 2012

March 21, 2012

It’s good to hear from you sound like things are busy as always. Glad to hear Andrew (Shirk) got married. I bet that was a great experience. The Yellowstone trip (late summer “guy” trip for Ross) sound like it will be sweet! My Companion basically grew up in Yellowstone so I ask him about it. It sounds like a great vacation spot. From what I hear the bear and the buffalo are interesting but it will be fun all the same. It’s sad to hear you won’t be going to Utah for General Conference this year. That would have been fun and I could have watched for you on the big screen. I can't wait for Conference it will be good.

It’s been a busy week. We've had two trainings and a Temple trip in the last week so we've done a heap of traveling. I'm not sure where to start it’s been a long week and my brain is just gone. It’s getting cooler or, at least it has been cooler the last week, which has been great. Before long it will be cold and I'll have to have a little whinge ("whinge" is an English word meaning "to complain or whine", usually for a trivial issue) about that one. It’s been a good week we've worked hard and have been doing well. We’ve been working with several less actives and have generally been doing finding. My Companion is very American and is very, very proud of it. It’s been fun talking to members and people around the place. He had the gift of the gab which really is a blessing as Missionary work goes.
Since we're out in the country its legal to have fires no larger than 1 meter which is huge so we built a small campfire in the back yard and we're going to start having BBQs over the open fire in the evening times when we don't have a dinner.

The members here are really good to us though and we've had a meal just about every day the last couple of week. We're really blessed. It’s a great place to be. We saw a couple of snakes this last week which was cool. One was a skinny green snake that was really long. It had to be at least a meter long if not more. We tried to run it over but it got away. Our other snake encounter was actually on our back porch steps. It was just kind of chillin on the step when I saw it. It was only a little brown one but we tried to catch it all the same because who doesn't want a poisonous snake as a pet. We didn't actually catch it got away. We'll watch for it over the next week.

Other than that, not much happening that is news. Sorry, not a whole lot to talk about. Send me an email Colin and let me know what you’re up to; even if it’s just a short one. No worries. Talk to you next week. Love you.

Elder Hatch

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